... and now after going down the rabbit hole with "Liberty Win" what do I notice on their page? In the woke/based section/column they list a church there as "mask mandatory" or "follows mask rules" etc. W. T. F......... so it's "woke" if the church mandates mask wearing. Um.... PEOPLE WITH CANCER? PEOPLE WITH COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM? Gosh I don't know...what could it be?!?!?! Why in the world would a church ever allow sick people to attend services? <sarcasm> Do these dolts ever stop to think that people were wearing masks for health related reasons LONG BEFORE they turned masks into a political event during the pandemic? I feel like even if they are told why, since they sincerely believe wearing a mask or mandating a mask is "woke", they would probably only double down. How "woke" can a dying cancer patient be? Gross. Seeing masks on their "woke/based" list is....it's bizarre. Does god hate sick people? Is that their theology?
Also, why would a "libertarian" care about whether or not someone wears a mask to church or a church mandates them? A church is a private entity. And people control their own bodies and what to wear? Right, LIBERTARIANS???? Am I right?
WTF. I just went to that "Liberty Win" website list of churches. Uhhhh...... the hell???? Why would a so-called libertarian website put up a page of churches? I have so many questions. The specific "woke/based" column. LOL. Now, Ms Holly you know I'm not a church person, but that being said, these people are ridiculous. I don't think you need to defend your church either, you can have whatever kind of church you like and they don't have to agree with it. I do feel like the woke/based column is for the purposes of targeting churches, and if it's not for that purpose then what is the purpose?
My next question is.... why isn't there a column for sexual abusers/religious abuse scandals/known sex offenders???? Because we all know the Baptists have already admitted to more than 700 perverts in their churches, and that's just the ones they know of. Bible churches / fundamentalist churches have abusers and offenders in spades. WHERE IS THEIR COLUMN ON THAT PAGE? If I were a "libertarian" parent for example, I'd want to know where the perverts have been caught in order to protect my children and not attend that church.
These people are idiots. Dollars to donuts the abusers all seem to gravitate towards the highest control environment where they can be the biggest hypocrites, ie--the fundamentalist right wing political churches. Yet they're worried that OMG tey ghey. lol OMG someones gender etc etc. Priorities. It's all about their priorities.
And yes, the hole gets deeper the farther down you look. Just so much hate for other humans. So much selfishness. So much hubris. So loud. Reminds me of children in need of guidance, disciple, and perspective.
Good eye! Yes, protecting those with weakened or compromised immune systems while following the recommendations of our health department is wrong, evil, and politically suspect— according to Liberty Win.
... and now after going down the rabbit hole with "Liberty Win" what do I notice on their page? In the woke/based section/column they list a church there as "mask mandatory" or "follows mask rules" etc. W. T. F......... so it's "woke" if the church mandates mask wearing. Um.... PEOPLE WITH CANCER? PEOPLE WITH COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM? Gosh I don't know...what could it be?!?!?! Why in the world would a church ever allow sick people to attend services? <sarcasm> Do these dolts ever stop to think that people were wearing masks for health related reasons LONG BEFORE they turned masks into a political event during the pandemic? I feel like even if they are told why, since they sincerely believe wearing a mask or mandating a mask is "woke", they would probably only double down. How "woke" can a dying cancer patient be? Gross. Seeing masks on their "woke/based" list is....it's bizarre. Does god hate sick people? Is that their theology?
Also, why would a "libertarian" care about whether or not someone wears a mask to church or a church mandates them? A church is a private entity. And people control their own bodies and what to wear? Right, LIBERTARIANS???? Am I right?
WTF. I just went to that "Liberty Win" website list of churches. Uhhhh...... the hell???? Why would a so-called libertarian website put up a page of churches? I have so many questions. The specific "woke/based" column. LOL. Now, Ms Holly you know I'm not a church person, but that being said, these people are ridiculous. I don't think you need to defend your church either, you can have whatever kind of church you like and they don't have to agree with it. I do feel like the woke/based column is for the purposes of targeting churches, and if it's not for that purpose then what is the purpose?
My next question is.... why isn't there a column for sexual abusers/religious abuse scandals/known sex offenders???? Because we all know the Baptists have already admitted to more than 700 perverts in their churches, and that's just the ones they know of. Bible churches / fundamentalist churches have abusers and offenders in spades. WHERE IS THEIR COLUMN ON THAT PAGE? If I were a "libertarian" parent for example, I'd want to know where the perverts have been caught in order to protect my children and not attend that church.
These people are idiots. Dollars to donuts the abusers all seem to gravitate towards the highest control environment where they can be the biggest hypocrites, ie--the fundamentalist right wing political churches. Yet they're worried that OMG tey ghey. lol OMG someones gender etc etc. Priorities. It's all about their priorities.
And yes, the hole gets deeper the farther down you look. Just so much hate for other humans. So much selfishness. So much hubris. So loud. Reminds me of children in need of guidance, disciple, and perspective.
Good eye! Yes, protecting those with weakened or compromised immune systems while following the recommendations of our health department is wrong, evil, and politically suspect— according to Liberty Win.